Estanit offers the HAAGE sheet formers following the Rapid Köthen-principle, as well as equipment for standardized disintegration, dispursing, and vacuum drying. Our equipment for freeness testing of wood pulp, mechanical pulp, composites, and paper stock further demonstrate that we possess the necessary knowledge for the analysis of raw materials suitable for laboratories as well as the paper industry.
The outstanding performance ability of our new HAAGE sheet formers as well as the distinguished quality of its sheet formation and sheet drying have repeatedly been analyzed and validated by the Institute for Paper Technology of the University of Technology Darmstadt.
HAAGE sheet formers following the Rapid Köthen-principleSheet formation for wood pulp, mechanical pulp, composite and paper stock inspection sheets.
DisintegratorsChemical pulp defibration process following DIN EN ISO 5263-1 and leaflet V/4/61 ZELLCHEMING
DistributorsMixing and spreading of pulp suspension for freeness testing and the production of inspection sheets.
Schopper-Riegler Pneumatic Freeness TestingExamination of the dewatering behavior of paper fibre and wood pulp suspensions.
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